JOB SEEKERS: 2024 UAE National Job Seeker Survey

Your input is not only an investment in your own future but also a contribution to the collective growth of the UAE workforce.

Welcome to the “2024 UAE National Job Seeker Survey: Shaping Your Career Path.” Your insights are crucial in understanding the unique aspirations, preferences, and expectations of job seekers like yourself. By participating in this survey, you contribute to valuable data that will guide employers, and educators in enhancing opportunities for UAE nationals in the job market.

Whether you are a recent graduate exploring your first job or an experienced professional seeking new horizons, your feedback will help shape the landscape of employment in the UAE. We are eager to learn about your educational background, industry preferences, salary expectations, and the factors that matter most to you in a job.

Your input is not only an investment in your own future but also a contribution to the collective growth of the UAE workforce. So, please take a moment to share your thoughts, aspirations, and experiences. Together, let’s create a job market that aligns with your ambitions and fosters success for all.

Thank you for your participation in the UAE National Job Seeker Survey. Your voice matters, and your insights will make a meaningful impact on the future of employment in the United Arab Emirates.

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Participant Privacy and Data Protection: By participating in the "2024 UAE National Job Seeker Survey," you agree that all personal information, including names and email addresses, will be kept confidential. JobsForNationals Research Team commits to ensuring the anonymity of participants and will not share or publish any personally identifiable information. Survey results will only be presented in an aggregated, anonymized form, preserving the privacy of individual respondents. This aggregated survey data will only be used for research purposes. The data will be presented in a manner that protects participant identities. Your cooperation in this survey implies understanding and agreement with the outlined privacy and data protection measures. Thank you for contributing to the 2024 UAE National Job Seeker Survey.


    • Eiman alansaari - 14/01/2024

      I need to find a great job that serve my demands and practice my scientific specialisation

    • Matar Alraeesi - 14/01/2024

      I don’t have anything to say just , well done and god bless u all.

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