Get your UAE National Graduates instantly matched to the right job!

Our academic partnership program is developed for institutions to promote their UAE National Graduates & Alumni, their own brand and Academic programs.

Confidentiality Statement for Academic Partners:

At JobsForNationals, we highly value and respect the confidentiality of the information shared by our esteemed Academic Partners. We understand the sensitivity and importance of the data related to UAE National Graduates, and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of data security and privacy.

By sharing the details of UAE National Graduates with JobsForNationals, Academic Partners contribute to the empowerment of the graduates by facilitating instant matches to suitable job opportunities. We assure our Academic Partners that the information provided will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and will only be used for the express purpose of connecting graduates with potential employers.

It is essential to emphasize that JobsForNationals does not engage in the solicitation of any registered job seeker information. We operate under strict data security and privacy guidelines to ensure the protection of online resources and the safeguarding of sensitive information. Our commitment to privacy is unwavering, and we employ industry-leading measures to maintain the integrity and security of the data entrusted to us.

Rest assured that JobsForNationals remains dedicated to upholding the trust placed in us by our Academic Partners. We appreciate the collaboration and partnership in fostering the professional growth and success of UAE National Graduates, and we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of the information shared.

Key Partnership Benefits

UAE National Graduates & Alumni upload

To ensure that your UAE National Graduates & Alumni benefit from our latest job alerts, kindly submit their details here.

We deeply value our collaboration and invite you to share your graduate lists with JobsForNationals, enabling us to keep your graduates informed about new job postings and providing them with instant matches to exciting opportunities. Rest assured, the information shared will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, adhering to our stringent data security and privacy guidelines. We commit to using this data exclusively to benefit your graduates’ employment journey. Your trust is paramount, and we appreciate your pivotal role in shaping successful career paths for UAE National Graduates.


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Academic Partner Name
Enter name of the Academic Partner team member (NOT students name)

job certified 90

Join the regions most comprehensive 'certified' job-prep program and become job-certified in 90 days!

The main objective of the program is to equip participants with essential skills including job interview preparation, CV & cover letter writing, professional email communication, salary negotiation,... to get Job-Certified within 90 days!

Academic Partnership 1


For FRESH Graduates




Academic Partnership 2






Academic Partnership 1


JobsForNationals is an Employer Branding, Diversity & Virtual Career Fairs Platform for Emiratization where we help UAE National Talent find amazing workplaces by managing Talent Attraction & Brand Communication for leading Employers,

UAE National Graduates & Alumni LIST UPLOAD

If you want your UAE National Graduates & Alumni to receive early new job and employer notifications please upload their PDF or CSV file here. 

Columns MUST include: 
Full Name, Email Address, Mobile Number, Graduating Degree, & Discipline.


Hire UAE National high-school diploma holders for your summer internship program.

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