Cloud Security Strategy

Cloud Security Strategy for


At, we prioritize the security of our website and the data of our customers. Our website is hosted on Vultr, a leading cloud hosting provider known for its reliability and stability12. We also use Cloudflare’s firewall to protect our website from online threats345. In addition to these measures, we use WordFence, a comprehensive security solution for WordPress websites678910.

Vultr Cloud Security

Vultr provides a secure managed cloud server with firewall protection and frequent operating system patching and updating12. This ensures that our website is always running on a secure platform. Vultr’s firewall has features comparable to many server operating system firewalls, with several key differences. Packet filtering takes place at a higher level on the network, reducing resource usage of your server11.

Cloudflare Firewall Security

Cloudflare’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) is an industry-leading solution that provides powerful protection against online threats3. The WAF uses a combination of managed rules, core OWASP rules, and custom rulesets to block malicious traffic and prevent attacks3. A cloud firewall is a security product that filters out potentially malicious network traffic. Unlike traditional firewalls, cloud firewalls are hosted in the cloud. This cloud-delivered model for firewalls is also called firewall-as-a-service (FWaaS)5.

WordFence Security

WordFence is a comprehensive security solution for WordPress websites. It includes an endpoint firewall, malware scanner, robust login security features, live traffic views, and more678910. WordFence’s Threat Defense Feed provides real-time updates of firewall rules, malware signatures, and malicious IP addresses to keep our website safe7. Wordfence free includes numerous login security features, including Two-factor authentication (2FA), one of the most secure forms of authentication available, as well as a login Page CAPTCHA to stop bots from logging in8.


At we use a combination of secure cloud hosting, firewall protection, and WordPress-specific security measures to ensure the safety and security of our website and our customers’ data. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and will continue to monitor and update our security measures as needed.


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