Behind the Scenes: Virtual Emiratisation Career Fair

Here's a behind-the-scenes look on what we do to make your participation a success. Although the event is 'virtual' but there is nothing virtual in what we do. So, here we go...

1. Announcement

Right after the Exhibitor registration, a social media post is made to promote your participation.

2. Social Media Recording

After the announcement we contact the Exhibitor to schedule their video recording for social media channels.

3. Booth Branding

After the social media recording has been published, we start working on assets (logo, banners, documents, videos, images, ..) collection for the booth.

4. Booth Development

Once we have received all your booth assets we start the booth design and development process. This entails image optimization, linking your jobs, and all assets to booth,

5. Advisor Onboarding

After the booth has been approved by the Exhibitor, we start the onboarding of all Team Members (Advisors). This includes adding company approved meeting URL's, blocking meeting agenda, adding self-image...

6. Exhibitor Promotion

To build awareness and footfall to your Employer page and jobs, we continue our collaboration with the Exhibitors MARCOMS Team.

7. Job Activations

All job activations start 30 days before the event.

8. Job Promotion

Our job activations include back-to-back social media artwork development and awareness campaigns.

So this is what happens behind the scenes to host a successful virtual event and this is what the fully branded booth looks like. 

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