Content Publishing

Stay on candidates' minds by publishing fresh content every month.

With low effort from your team, we’ll create content—blog posts, photos, short videos, and social posts—to help you attract and nurture relationships with discerning job candidates.

Best for

Medium & Large Companies


Monthly Subscription


AED20k – AED80k per month

how it works

1. You'll identify profiles of your ideal candidates

You have hiring priorities, and we have deep knowledge of what motivates candidates. What roles are you hiring for? Why have you closed some candidates and lost others? What separates a good candidate from someone great? We’ll sync up and use your answers to lay a foundation.

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2. We'll design a blissfully efficient workflow

All strategy, assignments, and approvals will be covered in a single, 2-hour monthly meeting. I.e.: Your stakeholders can relax as our team takes care of pretty much everything.

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3. We'll execute and deliver like clockwork

Every month, fresh, polished, compelling content will appear like magic. We’ll deliver one or more keystone blog posts, then slice them up for use everywhere, including in candidate nurture emails, on social media, in internal newsletters, and as material for sourcers to share in outbound emails.

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