HOW TO: Find Top UAE National Talent

There is a preference shift on how top UAE National Talent is prioritizing their dream companies.

With the ease and accessibility of information and insights, candidates are now reading online company reviews, networking with employees, and going through social media channels to better understand their next employer before they apply to their jobs.

Top talent is not just looking for the next paycheck but a great reputable place to work.

In fact, 86% of job seekers would not prefer to work for a company with bad reviews, irrespective of the paycheck.

What is Employer Branding?

Simplest definition, it is the projection of the image of your company as top UAE National job seekers would desire. In other words, a strategy to attract top talent in the organization and retain them. It describes an Employers reputation as a place to work. This reputation is not just a perception of existing Employees but also external stake holders like the job seekers.

  • According to LinkedIn, good Employer brand reduces attrition by 28%
  • Candidates applying for a Company with a good Employer brand are 50% more qualified
  • Talent acquisition for a good Employer brand becomes 1-2 times faster
  • 59% of Employers see Employer branding as a key to their HR Department strategy
  • 55% of Employers quantify Employer branding as a key area of investment
  • 75% of Job Seekers consider the Employer brand before even applying for a job

Company Culture

Company culture is the backbone of any successful Employer Branding campaign. A strong Employer brand is meaningless unless you have something to back it up with and ambassadors (Employees) that talk about it.

career page

On top of having a great company culture, people want to work for tech-savvy companies. Having an easy to navigate career page on a relevant talent platform will make it easier and faster to grab the attention of the target audience.


In simplest terms, Employee Value Preposition (EVP), is the salary, compensation and benefits that the employer pays to an employee in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences they bring to the organization. To attract top talent, the EVP needs to be communicated clearly to make talent acquisition easier. Top UAE National Talent is looking for transparency and clarity with EVP.


Job Descriptions (JD’s) needs to communicate what the person needs-to-do rather than just what the person needs-to-have. Top talent is looking for all the information laid out clearly including minimum requirements to qualify for the job application.

Employee testimonials

Employee testimonials help boost the credibility instantly. Stories about the employees and their experiences regarding the company culture present your company in a really great light. This helps to portray the message that your company is a great place to work.

ONLINE Application

60% of job seekers quit in the middle of the application process due to the complexity of the application process. Top talent is not interested in filling application forms to apply for a job. On JFN, candidate application is literally a click away.

Premium branding

With the Premium Employer Branding, companies are able to create a custom recruitment drive based job seeker journey to promote their EVP, culture, values, employee testimonial videos, workplace images,…..

no distractions

Corporate websites are designed to promote companies products and services while specialist talent platforms, like JobsForNationals, are designed to drive talent to the right career opportunities.

Press release

Communication is key. Press release act as a communication medium to exchange information and announcements. But more importantly to bring the audience back to your brand and talent page.

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