Our Journey

Our Journey 1

The Beginning

The concept of an exclusive UAE National Talent platform was born. The mission was to create a professional platform to uplift UAE National Talent representation where top organizations from Fortune 500 companies to regional conglomerates could promote their brand, culture & diversity, products & services, workplace and UAE National Career opportunities to attract ‘exceptional’ UAE National Talent across the seven Emirates and from Overseas while receiving ONLY UAE National applications and growing UAE National followers.

Mar 2016

Jun 2016

Our Journey 2


Since the mission behind this project is to connect leading regional and global Employers with quality bi-lingual UAE National Talent, the logo also had to support the mission.

Our Journey 3

Going Live

By November 2016 JobsForNationals went live to public and started the journey focusing on uniting quality UAE National Talent across the seven Emirates.

Nov 2016


Our Journey 4

Leading Organizations

We were very fortunate to have the trust and support from leading organizations who believed in the potential of the concept and registered with us. Today there are 200+ Organizations supporting Emiratisation on JobsForNationals.

Our Journey 5

Academy Launched

With the growing need for skills development, JobsForNationals Academy was launched partnering with some of the leading online learning providers like Coursera & Udemy to bring top courses to the UAE National Talent and build custom “career-paths” to support their career journey.



Our Journey 6

VECF Launched

As the innovation to connect leading Employers with UAE National Talent continued, for the first time ever in UAE, we launched the concept of the Virtual Emiratisation Career Fair (VECF) and hosted our first VECF in February 2020.

The “virtual” format is essential since this is the only way to unite UAE National Talent across the seven Emirates, and from Overseas including the People of Determination.

Our Journey 7

People of Determination

Supporting UAE’s People of Determination (PoD) mandate, JFN Team added the ability for Employers to list their PoD jobs and for job seekers to search PoD jobs. We also added voice-JD for all PoD jobs postings and QR Codes for PoD job advertising on social media channels. Development continues… 


2022 >

Our Journey 8

Journey Continues

for 2022 and beyond, our mission of uniting quality UAE National Talent across the seven Emirates and from Overseas, including People of Determination continues with bi-annual (March & September) cross-industry and industry-specific Virtual Emiratisation Career Fairs. We are also focusing on Premium Employer Branding for leading Organizations and online surveys.

Our Journey 9

Introducing Saudization

We launch our digital marketing campaign option for attracting bi-lingual and tech-savvy Saudi National Talent. 

Jul 2023


Hire UAE National high-school diploma holders for your summer internship program.

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