4th VECF: Meet Bayut | DuBizzle

4th VECF: Meet Bayut | DuBizzle 1

INDUSTRY: Real Estate

Meet the Bayut | DuBizzle during the 4th Virtual Emiratisation Career Fair to explore UAE National Career opportunities with one of UAE’s first unicorn tech and product companies.

Did you know...

Bayut, founded in 2008, is one of the GCC region's most well-funded tech startup companies. Its parent company, Emerging Markets Property Group (EMPG), has raised a total of $310 million over several investment rounds. They were backed by seasoned investors such as KCK Group and Exor Seeds, fuelling Bayut's expansion and growth in the Middle East. In April 2020, EMPG raised $150 million in its latest investment round, taking the group's valuation to $1 billion.

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