Emiratisation: Ensuring Brand Relevance and Competitiveness in the UAE National Talent Market

Emiratisation is one of the highest priorities of the UAE government, which aims to increase the participation and contribution of Emirati citizens in the private sector. The government has introduced various initiatives and incentives to support Emiratisation, such as the Nafis scheme, the Tawteen Partners Club, and the Industrialists Program.

However, Emiratisation also comes with new challenges and requirements for private sector companies, which need to comply with the Emiratisation quotas and regulations, as well as compete for the best Emirati talent in the market. In this blog post, we will explore some of the strategies and best practices that private sector companies can adopt to keep their brand and career opportunities relevant and attractive for UAE national talent.

Understand the Emiratisation requirements and benefits

The first step for private sector companies is to understand the Emiratisation requirements and benefits that apply to them. The UAE aims to ensure 10 per cent of private sector employees are Emirati by the start of 2027.

Businesses with at least 50 staff must increase the number of Emiratis they employ by one per cent every six months under the plan, or face fines of Dh42,000 ($11,440) for each unfilled position.

Companies were given a target of having Emiratis make up 2 per cent of their staff by January 1, and must increase this figure to 3 per cent by June 30.

Build a strong employer brand and value proposition

The second step for private sector companies is to build a strong employer brand and value proposition that appeals to UAE national talent. This means showcasing their vision, mission, values, culture, achievements, social responsibility, and growth potential in an authentic and engaging way. They should also highlight the benefits and opportunities that they offer to their Emirati employees, such as competitive salaries, career development, training, mentoring, recognition, flexibility, diversity, and inclusion. Companies should leverage various channels and platforms to communicate their employer brand and value proposition, such as their website, social media, events, media outlets, referrals, and testimonials.

Create a positive candidate experience and employee journey

The third step for private sector companies is to create a positive candidate experience and employee journey for their UAE national talent. This means providing a smooth and transparent recruitment process that respects the candidates’ time, expectations, feedback, and privacy. It also means providing a welcoming and supportive onboarding process that helps the new hires integrate into the company culture, team, and role. Moreover, it means providing a rewarding and fulfilling employee experience that motivates them to perform well, grow professionally, contribute meaningfully, and stay loyal. Companies should solicit regular feedback from their Emirati employees and candidates to identify areas of improvement and satisfaction.

Develop Partnerships and Collaborations

Building strong partnerships and collaborations with educational institutions, government agencies, and community organizations can greatly enhance a company’s ability to attract UAE national talent. Collaborations with universities and vocational institutions can help develop specialized training programs that align with industry needs and create a pipeline of skilled Emirati graduates. Moreover, engaging with government initiatives and participating in career fairs, and mentorship programs can increase visibility and enhance the company’s reputation among Emirati job seekers.

Create Targeted Recruitment and Onboarding Strategies

A customized recruitment and onboarding strategy focused on Emiratisation is vital. This includes utilizing local recruitment agencies, job portals, and social media platforms that specifically target Emirati candidates. Companies should also ensure that their job descriptions and advertisements highlight the opportunities for career growth, training, and development that are available to Emiratis. Additionally, offering internships, apprenticeships, and graduate programs tailored for Emirati talent can provide valuable entry points into the organization.

Foster a Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment

Emiratis are more likely to be attracted to companies that demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion. By fostering a work environment that embraces and values individual differences, organizations can create a culture of belonging where Emirati employees can thrive. This includes providing mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and cultural awareness training to facilitate integration and professional development. Companies should also actively promote Emirati employees into leadership positions, showcasing them as role models for future Emirati talent.

Invest in Employee Development and Retention

Retention is as important as recruitment. Providing Emirati employees with continuous learning and development opportunities is essential for their career progression and job satisfaction. Organizations should establish robust training programs, leadership development initiatives, and mentorship schemes specifically designed for Emirati employees. Encouraging participation in industry conferences, seminars, and workshops can also enhance their professional growth. Recognizing and rewarding high-performing Emirati employees, while offering competitive compensation packages, can strengthen loyalty and retention rates.

Embrace Corporate Social Responsibility

Embracing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives can significantly contribute to a company’s brand image and appeal to Emirati talent. Aligning CSR efforts with the UAE’s national priorities, such as education, environmental sustainability, and community development, showcases a commitment to societal welfare. By actively participating in volunteering activities and social impact projects, companies can build stronger relationships with Emirati communities and position themselves as responsible and caring employers.


Emiratisation is a reality that companies operating in the UAE must embrace. To remain relevant and competitive in the talent market, organizations need to adapt their strategies to attract and retain Emirati talent. By understanding Emirati aspirations, building partnerships, customizing recruitment and onboarding, fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment, investing in employee development, and embracing CSR, companies can enhance their brand image, attract the best local talent, and contribute to the UAE’s national objectives. Emiratisation is here to stay, and those companies that proactively embrace it will have a competitive edge in the evolving UAE job market. Lastly, Emiratisation numbers need to be maintained throughout the year which means having a continuous open pipeline and career opportunities where UAE National Job seekers can apply. 

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