HOW TO: Keep your UAE National Talent pipeline healthy

What is Employee Attrition?

Employee attrition is the departure of employees from the organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary), including resignation, termination, or retirement. Attrition rate is the rate at which employees leave an organization divided by the average number of employees at the organization over a given period of time.

Before the pandemic...

…~70% of HR leaders were confident that they knew the culture their organization needed to drive business performance but weren’t confident about creating an environment that reflected the desired state. It is not enough to say an organization values innovation, collaboration and trust, without intent and execution. 

After the pandemic...

…and shift into remote and hybrid work, most employees see the large-scale shift to flexible work as a net-positive for the culture of their organization. 

So the question is, how can Employers reduce UAE National Talent turnover?

First things first is to look at the “beginning of the end“. That means looking at how the talent is acquired in the first place. 

Talent Acquisition is NOT the same as Recruiting. While both play well together, TA strategies take a longer-term strategic thinking to put together.

What is talent acquisition?

Talent acquisition is the process of identifying, attracting, recruiting, and retaining top talent. This includes selecting qualified candidates who are best suited for the available positions. But it also encompasses retention — not just attraction.

From the above definition, talent acquisition is the holistic view of all aspects of the hiring process. It is a long term vision on how the entire hiring process & user experience through various touchpoints needs to be structured. Typically talent acquisition will include the following:

  1. Employer Branding
  2. Candidate attraction (awareness)
  3. Candidate experience (onboarding & offboarding)
  4. Diversity 
  5. Overall performance

Without going in to a deep-dive of the each of the above elements within Talent Acquisition, here are a few examples of what you can do to communicate, connect and engage with the ‘right-fit’.


    • Mona AlHebsi - 29/07/2022

      Thank you for inviting comments and suggestions from the community. From my own experience of hiring and working with UAE Nationals over the years, it takes to have a dedicated person who look after Emiratization in the company (preferable the Head of HR Division), because a lot of Emiratization related decisions needs someone with authority. If you hire an employee in HR who doesn’t have decision making authority then this defeats the whole purpose of having this role in the first place. Another important element is to spread organisational awareness about Emiratization and have everyone in the organization working towards achieving the Emiratization agenda because Emiratization is not only the role of HR or Emiratization department. Again, this requires the driver of this agenda to have decision making authority to impose such things and change the organisational culture. Third, there must be a dedicated Emiratization strategy (part of the people management strategy) of the organization to implement and monitor success and effectiveness. My approach with Emiratization has always been to tackle the issues deeply at a root level and not to just scratch the surface and over talk without showing any results like many others are doing! Take it from an Expert 😉

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