From Job Postings to Brand Impact: Harnessing Brand Recall on JobsForNationals

In today's fast-paced world, we find ourselves constantly bombarded with information from various channels like email, social media, WhatsApp, SMS, TV, YouTube, and radio.

This overwhelming influx of information has significantly impacted us where our reliance on retaining information has shifted from our memory to our smart devices.

As a simple example, our grandparents used to remember phone numbers because they didn’t have the technology we have today. However, now we tend to rely on short-term memory recall since we can easily search for anything on search engines.

So, how does all of this relate to JobsForNationals? One important aspect is brand reinforcement > brand recall.

"Thanks for weekly email campaign below. We did receive a lot of applications over the weekend so hopefully we will find suitable UAE National Graduates there."
Weekly Email Marketing Campaign
From Job Postings to Brand Impact: Harnessing Brand Recall on JobsForNationals 1

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Brand recall refers to the ability of consumers to remember and recognize a specific brand when prompted with a product category or cue. It serves as a measure of brand awareness and the effectiveness of a brand’s marketing and advertising efforts.

Recruiters should consider incorporating brand recall into their recruitment campaigns rather than solely relying on job postings. It’s important to acknowledge that people have short-term memory, and simply posting a job might not be sufficient.

As part of the JobsForNationals Pro-Active Framework, the job posting goes through a series of processes, illustrated in the above graph, also available on the website under the Pro-Active Framework section. Please click the graph to understand how we promote your brand to maximize brand recall.

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