How to amplify your brand to ‘attract’ UAE National Talent in 2024

In the dynamic landscape of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Emiratisation initiative play a pivotal role in shaping the nation's future.

As we start 2024, businesses are faced with the challenge of aligning their workforce with the UAE’s vision for sustainable development. This article explores the significance of Emiratisation, delves into the current targets set by the government, and provides actionable strategies for effectively promoting your brand to attract UAE national talent in 2024.

Understanding Emiratisation:
Emiratisation, a key national policy, aims to increase the participation of UAE nationals in the country’s workforce across various sectors. Spearheaded by the government, this initiative is designed to empower Emiratis, enhance their skills, and promote their active involvement in the nation’s economic growth. The core objectives include reducing unemployment among UAE nationals, fostering a sense of national identity, and ensuring sustainable development.

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Emiratisation Targets in 2024: 
Businesses must be attuned to the specific targets set by the government. These targets are not just numerical goals but reflect a commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce that includes a significant percentage of UAE nationals. By understanding and aligning with these targets, organizations can contribute to the realization of the UAE’s vision for a thriving and sustainable future. 

>>> Starting January 1, companies in the UAE with 20 to 49 employees will face fines if they haven’t achieved their Emiratisation target of hiring at least one UAE citizen. Larger businesses with 50 or more employees must ensure 4% of their workforce comprises Emirati employees, with new targets set for 6% by the end of 2024 and 10% by the end of 2026. Free zone businesses were exempt. In 2022, about 9,293 companies met the target of employing Emiratis in 2% of skilled roles. Fines for non-compliance range from Dh96,000 to Dh108,000 for smaller companies and Dh84,000 for larger businesses, with increasing penalties each year and fines up to Dh500,000 for serious breaches. Starting in 2024, private sector companies with a workforce of 20 to 49 workers will be required to hire at least one UAE citizen and from 2025, they would be required to hire at least two Emirati citizens. 

Importance of Emiratisation for Businesses:
Embracing Emiratisation goes beyond meeting regulatory requirements; it is a strategic move that can benefit businesses in numerous ways. Companies that actively participate in this initiative demonstrate corporate social responsibility, enhance their reputation, and contribute to the overall socio-economic development of the UAE. Moreover, a diverse workforce that includes local talent brings unique perspectives, cultural insights, and a deeper understanding of the market.

Strategies for Promoting Your Brand to Attract UAE National Talent:

1. Cultivate a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace Culture:
Foster an environment that values diversity and inclusion. Showcase your commitment to providing equal opportunities for UAE nationals, emphasizing career growth and development within your organization.

2. Collaborate with Educational Institutions:
Forge partnerships with local universities, colleges, and vocational training centers to actively engage with potential talent. Offer internships, training programs, and workshops to build a pipeline of skilled Emirati professionals. At JobsForNationals we work with most leading institutions and continue to grow our collaborations. 

3. Participate in Career Fairs and Industry Events:
Attend Emirati-focused career fairs and industry events to connect with job seekers directly. Use these platforms to highlight your company’s values, career opportunities, and commitment to Emiratisation. Employer registration is now open for the 7th Virtual Emiratisation Career Fair with an early registration discount of 25%!

4. Leverage Digital Platforms:
Utilize social media, professional networking platforms, and your company’s website to showcase success stories of Emirati employees, share insights into your organizational culture, and highlight initiatives supporting Emiratisation. Learn more about how JobsForNationals can AMPLIFY your brand & career opportunities to UAE National Talent across the seven Emirates including People of Determination here

5. Offer Competitive Benefits and Incentives:
Provide attractive compensation packages, benefits, and incentives to make your organization stand out. Emphasize the unique advantages of working for your company, such as career advancement opportunities, training programs, and a positive work environment. Check out our Salary Guide for recommendations for different job titles. 

6. Implement Mentorship and Development Programs:
Establish mentorship programs that pair experienced employees with UAE nationals, fostering knowledge transfer and professional growth. Invest in continuous learning and development initiatives tailored to the needs of Emirati employees.

Businesses have a valuable opportunity to contribute to the UAE’s vision for a sustainable and prosperous future. By embracing the principles of Emiratisation and implementing strategic initiatives to attract UAE national talent, organizations can not only meet regulatory requirements but also position themselves as socially responsible and forward-thinking contributors to the nation’s development. In 2024, let your brand shine as a beacon for Emirati talent, driving success for both your organization and the UAE.


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